The American Human Rights Council (AHRC-USA) calls on all registered and eligible to vote to turn out to vote on Tuesday, March 10, 2020. Voting Polls will open at 7:00 AM and will remain open until 8:00 PM. AHRC encourages all Michigan residents to cast a smart and informed vote. The Tuesday, March 10 primary in Michigan does not require party registration.

AHRC calls upon community members to actively participate in this election and play an integral role in shaping the future of our children. In addition to voting, AHRC calls upon all to provide assistance to those with special needs on Election Day.

It is often said that democracy is not a spectator sport. It is important that all eligible voters turn out to vote. While we know that President Trump is the GOP candidate, it is still to be determined who is going to be the Democratic candidate.

“In a democracy, elections are crucial,” said Imad Hamad, AHRC Executive Director. “Elections and the people we choose determine the direction of the country and which values will guide government and what national goals will be prioritized,” added Hamad.

For more information and details about Michigan’s upcoming Presidential Primary visit the Michigan’s Secretary of State website at:

To report voting intimidation or any violation of your rights while voting or for more information on Voting Rights, please contact: The U.S. Department of Justice – Voting Section at: 800-253-3931 or the Michigan Department of Civil Rights at: 800-482-3604

For more information regarding the Presidential Primaries calendar across the nation, visit:

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