[Michigan, May 13, 2021]:
AHRC extends Eid Al-Fitr Greetings to all Muslims, Calls for Peace and Justice in Palestine:
The American Human Rights Council (AHRC-USA) extends its warm wishes to all Muslims for a blessed, pleasant and safe Eid Al-Fitr today, Thursday May 13. Eid Al-Fitr is one of two annual major Islamic festivities. This Eid festivity marks the end of the holy month of Ramadan, the holiest month in the Muslim calendar.
AHRC urges all to celebrate Eid responsibly as the Covid-19 pandemic remains a real challenge. Family gatherings, socializing and religious ceremonies should be undertaken while following all government issued Covid restrictions.
Sadly, this year the festivities are overshadowed with concerns over Covid and the concern for the occupied Palestinians who are under relentless attack and siege by Israel, a nuclear- armed- regional superpower.
AHRC joins all peace- loving people demanding an international intervention to protect the Palestinians in Jerusalem, Gaza and the West Bank. AHRC calls on the Biden administration to intervene to end the fighting and restart the peace process.
Save the date: AHRC “Spirit of Humanity” Gala 2021
The American Human rights Council (AHRC-USA) is pleased to announce its annual AHRC “Spirit of Humanity” Awards Gala that will be held on Friday, October 22, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. Due to Covid-19 pandemic crisis, the gala’s location, program and details will be released and announced in the future.
Help AHRC Protect Human Rights:
These are challenging times. It is our common humanity that we are determined to protect. To donate, please visit: www.ahrcusa.org for safe & secured donation
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