With many challenges our community is facing, such as, racism, xenophobia, drugs, atheism and mental health among other social ills, the moral deprivation we see requires attention and ways to remedy these diseases that have plagued our society as well as methods to enforce moral discipline. The Imams Council, IONA, and other partner organizations, have organized the
“Living the Faith Convention” to address such issues. The theme is “Strength in the Face of Adversity.”
According to Imam Mustapha Elturk, co-chair of the Imams Council and co-founder of AHRC, “The Michigan Convention is a great event. It provides a platform where clergy, experts, professional and community leaders come together to openly discuss issues that affect our daily lives. It is important for everyone to participate in the discussions and solutions”
” We encourage you to join us with your families in this very important gathering. The convention is a family oriented event. Every member of the family from toddlers to youth to adults will enjoy the many programs designed for them. We are excited to see the community engage in the biggest and most diverse gathering in Michigan” continued Imam Elturk.
The American Human Rights Council (AHRC-USA) urges participation in this Convention. AHRC-USA is a proud supporter of the “Living The Faith” conference, and extends its best wishes for another year of success.
“The right to live life fully with dignity as a human being includes the right to practice one’s faith freely and without fear of persecution or discrimination on account of religion” said, Imad Hamad AHRC Executive Director.
The event will take place at COBO Center on Saturday and Sunday, October 7 and 8, in sha Allah. You may register at livingthefaithconvention.org. For all AHRC subscribers use code AHRC50 to get 50% discount on tickets.
Please visit www.livingthefaithconvention.org to learn more about this new organization serving Michigan Muslims. For more information call 586-495-2289.