The American Human Rights Council (AHRC-USA) is very alarmed by merchants and businesses taking advantage of the panic of customers to increase prices without justification. Gouging customers in these extraordinary times is unacceptable.
AHRC commends Dana Nassel, Michigan’s Attorney General, for her leadership in warning merchants not to gouge customers.
AHRC urges the public to report price hiking to the state on the website =,4534,7-359-82915_82919_86407—,00.html
or by calling 877-765-8388
Facing the COVID-19 challenge can’t be achieved through fear and panic. It can be only achieved by full compliance with the basic health instructions provided by credible and reliable sources such as the CDC, WHO and through Michigan’s Department of Health and Human Services. Social distancing remains the best preventive measure to prevent and/or slow the spread of the virus.
AHRC commends Governor Whitmer for ordering school closures. AHRC also commends all places of worship that cancelled services. Slowing the spread of the virus is key to managing the pandemic.
AHRC recognizes that these are challenging times facing all. We urge awareness and education regarding the risks of infection. You can stay informed by regularly visiting: , and
“COVI-19 is a pandemic, it is not a partisan or ideological issue, it is a serious public health issue,” said Imad Hamad, AHRC Executive Director. “Pandemic means global epidemic and reducing the increase in the rate of infections requires cooperation on the part of the local, state and national government as well as a citizenry that is well informed,” continued Hamad. “As to what to do about the spread of the virus, we should listen to the experts,” concluded Hamad.
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