The American Human Rights Council (AHRC-USA) extends its heartfelt condolences to the families of those who were brutally killed in the Bar & Grill in Thousand Oaks, California last night and wishes all the injured a speedy recovery. According to news reports, 12 people were killed including a sheriff’s sergeant in an attack by Ian David Long, 28 who was found dead inside the bar. This mass shooting serves as a painful reminder that safety and security of our society is threatened by gun violence.
Once again innocent human beings are the victims of hate and gun-violence. This sad tragedy serves as another reminder that extremism, hate and terror are our common enemy and recognize no faith, race, color, nationality or origin. AHRC commends the Ventura County Sheriff Department, the FBI and all the other law enforcement authorities for their swift action saving lives.
These shootings are human made disasters and constitute a serious challenge to society. Mass shootings constitute a true challenge before us as it manages to appear periodically shaking the foundation of our safety and our peace as a nation.
AHRC-USA reiterates its concern over growing gun violence and urges reform of gun laws to ensure the safety of all human beings. The threat is universal and recognizes no boundaries. This growing challenge mandates full and effective partnership and cooperation to counter all acts of hate, violence and terrorism.
In light of the 2018 Elections climax, AHRC, in the name of our common humanity, urges American elected officials on the local and national level to rise to the challenge and deal with the root causes of these crimes. The safety and the security of our nation is our common responsibility as a people and a government. These senseless crimes should shock our conscience into action.
“It’s another sad day in America when we see members in humanity, fall victims to a mass shooting,” said Imad Hamad, AHRC Executive Director. “Another day, another mass shooting, we should not accept this as a given reality,” continued Hamad.
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