The American Human Rights Council (AHRC-USA) celebrates the International Day of Non-Violence that falls annually on October 2.

This day is dedicated to honor renowned Indian leader, world figure and legend Mahatma Gandhi. Mr. Gandhi embodied peace, coexistence, justice, universal respect for human rights and human dignity.

The International Day of Non-Violence is an international observance set aside by the United Nations to encourage global community discussions and action in pursuit of peace, peaceful resolution to conflict, and awareness and acceptance of the rich and unique diversity of all of humanity.

This year’s International Day of Non-violence arrives while our world is torn by conflicts and by the Covid-19 pandemic. This occasion serves as a reminder of the challenges facing the world as to the need for a global culture of non-violence and to a commitment to resolve conflict through reason and dialogue.

Gandhi inspired non-violence as a means of change around the world. He inspired the civil rights movement in the US to confront racism and injustice through peaceful means. Gandhi was killed by a Hindu fanatic who objected to Gandhi’s extending the same rights enjoyed by Hindus in India to Christians and Muslims.

As to India today, it is disheartening to see Gandhi’s India devolve into a country led by Hindu nationalists who ignore the long legacy of Indian tolerance and embrace of a marvelous diversity. India is one of the most diverse nations on earth. Today we see it blatantly discriminating against Indians who are not Hindu. The ongoing violations of human rights against none-Hindus and stripping them from their basic human rights throughout India and especially in Kashmir fit into the pattern of abuses of minorities in by a Hindu nationalist regime that dishonors Gandhi’s legacy.

“We need a global culture of non-violence today more than ever,” said Imad Hamad, AHRC Executive Director. “We share a planet that has many dire problems and we can only deal with these problems, such as climate change, if we agree to cooperate and resolve our difference through dialogue and non-violence,” concluded Hamad.

To learn more about the International Day of Non-Violence, please visit

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