The American Human Rights Council (AHRC-USA) expresses its deep disappointment regarding the US Supreme Court’s decision today (5-4) upholding President Trump’s Travel ban, also known as the Muslim Ban.

The decision was announced amidst uproar related to  the immigration laws, policies and regulations pertaining to separating families at the border. The Court’s close decision, 5-4,  by design or by default, validates candidate Trump’s divisive rhetoric demonizing Islam and Muslims.

Separating families at the border was legal but it did not make it ethical, moral or consistent with American values. Similarly, the Muslim ban is determined by the Court to be legal but that does not make it moral, ethical or consistent with American values. The law is a minimal standard for decency and fair play.

“The Court’s decision allows the government to continue policies that inflict pain and suffering on families and individuals,” said Imad Hamad, AHRC Executive Director. “While we respect the Court’s authority, we will continue to fight and advocate with the other two branches of government for respect of human rights,” added Hamad.  “We lost a battle, we did not lose the war,” concluded Hamad.

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