AHRC Welcomes the US State Department Appointment of  Mr. Shaarik Zafar:

The American Human Rights Council (AHRC) welcomes U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry (on Wednesday , September 3, 2014)  appointment of Mr.  Shaarik H. Zafar as the State Department’s new “Special Representative to Muslim Communities” in the United States and the international community. Shaarik Zafar was born in Karachi, Pakistan and moved to Katy, TX with his family at a young age. He’s been active in Muslim Outreach since his college years arguing in past public appearances that although Muslims and Arabs may have issues with American Foreign Policy, they also share the same concerns of mainstream American.

AHRC wishes Mr. Shaarik the best of success in his new endeavor. AHRC hopes that such symbolic appointment can help advance the much  needed dialogue towards building the greater understandings among all.  To read more visit:


Race and Policing: Illuminating our Past to Understand Our Present

On Friday, September 5, 2014 6-9pm the Michigan Roundtable will be hosting a special forum titled “Race and Policing: Illuminating our Past to Understand Our Present”.  Justice AttorneyMark Fancher, ACLU Michigan will serve as the guest moderator. The forum will be held at the Charles H. Wright Museum, Multi-Purpose Room, 315 E. Warren Ave, Detroit, MI  48202. For more information contact   Stacey Stevens 313-870-1500 x104 or visit www.miroundtable.org  orwww.race2equity.org. The event is free and open to the public-RSVP appreciated-click here to RSVP 

YABA 45th Annual dinner & scholarship Presentation

On Saturday, September 6, 2014 at 6:00PM, the Yemeni Benevolent Association (YABA) will be holding its 45th Annual Dinner & scholarship Presentation dinner that will be held at Bint Jebail Cultural center  located at 6220 Miller Rd in Dearborn.  Mr. Lon Johnson, Michigan Democratic Party Chairman will deliver the Keynote address.

The American Human Rights Council (AHRC) congratulates YABA for another outstanding service to the community. AHRC extends its warm congratulations to the scholarships winners this year. These students are the seeds of our common future. AHRC wishes them all the success in pursuing their education.  “Education is a Human RIGHT and not a privilege” said Imad Hamad, AHRC Acting Director. “These young students represent our promising future. They deserve all the support” continued Hamad

For more tickets and information, please call 313-841-3333 or visit: www.yabacommunity.org

Message of Hope USA  Ceremony for Imam Musa Al-Sadr :

On Sunday, September 14, 2014 at 6:00 p.m. Message of Hope USA will be holding a ceremony on the occasion of the 36th anniversary of the absent leader Imam Musa Al-Sadr and his two companions. The ceremony will be held at the Islamic Institute of Knowledge located at 6345 Schaefer Road in Dearborn.  Imam Moussa El Sadr who disappeared while visiting Libya in 1978,  Since then, Imam El Sadr and his companions’ whereabouts remain unknown and there has been a public demand to reveal the truth about the disappearance of the Imam. His Excellency Mr. Ali Bazzi, Member of the Lebanese Parliament will deliver the keynote address. The event is open for the public. All interested to attend are urged to RSVP at: messageofhopeusa@gmail.com

The American Middle East Christians Congress (AMECC) humanitarian aid

The American Middle East Christians Congress (AMECC) in collaboration with other medical, humanitarian and community organizations is sponsoring medical and humanitarian mercy missions to the north of Iraq to assist hundreds of thousands of displaced Iraqi Christians, Yazdis and other minorities that have been subjected lately to the acts of violence, genocide, ethnic cleansing, forced emigration, human abuse, crimes against humanity, and religious intolerance. Many children, pregnant women, elderly people and others are subjected to starvation, malnutrition, diseases, death due to lack of food, medicine, shelter.

AMECC is counting on you, members of your congregation, community organizations, and political, social and humanitarian organizations for assistance.    For further details please visitwww.middleeastchristian.org or www.amecc.us

Or contact Dr. Ramsay F. Dass, MD, President, American Middle East Christians Congress, and Director of Iraq American Christians Endowment Center at (248) 546-9100 or email:rfdass@aol.com

International Day of Peace Prayer:

On Sunday, September 21, 2014 at 10:30AM, the Littlefield Presbyterian Church in Dearborn will be holding a special gathering inviting all fellow citizens to come together to mourn and pray for peace where people long to live in peace and safety.

The Church calls upon Jewish, Muslim, Christian and other communities to join together and share the wisdom of the different traditions and to pray together.  Program will include an Interfaith Worship Service will begin at 10:30AM, followed by an Open Conversation at 11:45 AM. Light Refreshments will be severed. For more information visit: www.littlefieldchurch.org

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