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AHRC salutes all Nurses on National Nurses Day and World Nurses Day

The American Human Rights Council (AHRC-USA) salutes all nurses and their assistants for their tireless work helping save lives, especially during these Covid-19 pandemic days. This year’s World Nurses Day began on May 6 and ends on May 12. May 12 is International Nurses day.

Every day of the year nurses work long hours, under challenging work conditions, to save lives. Their work has been made many times harder with the Covid 19 pandemic. They have continued to serve humanity while endangering their own lives. Their work was made harder by the limited availability of personal protection equipment (PPE), especially the N 95 masks.

“I know firsthand the tremendous sacrifices nurses make every day, they are our indispensable medical partners,” said Dr. Saleh Muslah. “Nurses are the backbone of our healthcare system who deserve all the support and gratitude,” concluded Dr. Muslah.

“While most Americans are sheltering in place, trying to be safe from the coronavirus, there are men and women at the very front line of this war with the invisible enemy,” said Imad Hamad, AHRC Executive Director. “They are the nurses who put their life on the line for all of us and for that we are immensely grateful,” concluded Hamad.

AHRC “Spirit of Humanity” Awards & Gala Dinner is rescheduled to Friday, December 4, 2020:

Due to the pandemic and the requirements of social distancing, AHRC’s 2020 “Spirit of Humanity” Awards & Gala Dinner has been rescheduled. The new date is Friday, December 4, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. The Gala will be held at the Greenfield Manor Banquet Hall in Dearborn.

AHRC is optimistic that by December our world would have returned to normalcy. AHRC expresses its sincere appreciation to all its friends, supporters and sponsors who are supporting the Gala.

AHRC appreciates the support and generosity of its Gala donors. All Gala donations, pledges and sponsorship will be fully honored and accredited for the AHRC Annual Gala on December 4. We thank all our donors and supporters. Without you, AHRC will not be able to do its work.

AHRC will release further information and details in the future. AHRC is committed to continue its vital and important work during these most difficult times.

“We had no chance but to push the Gala date due to the extraordinary and exceptional challenges of this Pandemic and the requirements of social distancing,” said Dr. Saleh Muslah, AHRC Board President. “We are excited about the new date and the opportunity to connect with our friends and supports,” concluded Dr. Muslah

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AHRC “Spirit of Humanity” Awards & Gala Dinner is rescheduled to Friday, December 4, 2020:

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“These are challenging times,” said Mr. Naveed Ashraf, AHRC Board Vice President. “It is our common humanity that we are determined to protect. I urge you to help AHRC so it continue to help those who need it,” concluded Ashraf.
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AHRC Wishes all Muslims a Blessed Ramadan

The American Human Rights Council (AHRC-USA) wishes all Muslims a blessed Ramadan. Ramadan is the holiest month in the Muslim calendar.

Ramadan is expected to begin on April 24, 2020. Ramadan is a month of fasting, praying, giving and spending time with friends and family. Given the mandate of social distancing, this Ramadan will be different from all the Ramadan’s that preceded it.

Social distancing means that Muslims will not be spending time at mosques, group iftars/dinners and iftars with other families. Like churches and synagogues that were closed during religious holidays due to the pandemic, mosques also will continue to be closed to worshipers. People will be confined home and utilize technology to connect with friends, family and mosque. Many Mosques will stream services online.

The right to free exercise of religion is one of the most fundamental of human rights. However, just like the Declaration of Human Rights, the Islamic faith puts the preservation of life as the top consideration. These are extraordinary times and they require extraordinary measures. AHRC urges everyone to follow the instructions issued by the government regarding to measures needed to control the spread of the pandemic.

“Ramadan is a special blessed month. This year, however, Ramadan is going to be unique due to the health crisis we are facing, said Imam Elturk, AHRC board member. “The communal services such as the evening congregational prayers (taraweeh) and community dinners at mosques will be suspended and perhaps the Eid celebration as well,” added Elturk. “However, let us not let COVID 19 threaten the spirit of Ramadan and Eid. Fear of contracting the Corona Virus is not an excuse to give up fasting. Healthy people are required to fast, while sick people are exempted. We can keep the spirit of Ramadan alive by attending the virtual sermons, lectures and talks that are being offered by mosques through live stream feeds. we can connect with families virtually using the smart phones’ apps while staying safe and healthy. Preservation of the soul is one of the objectives of Islam. We are going through rough trying times but it will be over soon, God-Wiling. Stay safe and healthy and have a very blessed Ramadan, Ramadan Mubarak,” concluded Elturk.

“We are truly saddened to have the faithful having to stay away from their houses of worship and beloved community during religious holidays and occasions,” said Imad Hamad, AHRC Executive Director. “These are hard times and we salute all clergy who have respected the government instructions as to social distancing, you are saving lives,” concluded Hamad.

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AHRC expresses serious concern regarding Palestinian  Female Prisoner Shereen Al-Issawi

The American Human Rights Council (AHRC-USA) joins the human rights community expressing its serious concern regarding the fate of Ms. Shereen Al-Issawi, a 35-year old Palestinian female prisoner who has been held in a solitary confinement cell at the Israeli Neve Tirza prison since the beginning of May 2015. She has been in detention since June 2014 .

According to her family and human and prisoners rights advocate organizations in the Palestinian territories, the solitary confinement cell severely lacks the basic living conditions for a human being to be placed in as it is sealed and closed from all sides during the current exceptional hot weather conditions. In addition, the “solitary cell” she is held in, has no ventilation. The Israeli authorities transferred Ms. Al-Issawwi from Hasharon prison to Neve Tirza prison alleging that she incited prisoners.

AHRC calls upon the Israeli authorities to fully comply with the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Geneva Convention as it pertains to prisoners. AHRC also calls upon the UN Human Rights Commission to actively engage in efforts to ensure the safety of Ms. Al-Issawi. The condition that Ms. Issawi is enduring in the solitary confinement cell are very alarming .

AHRC reiterates its serious concern regarding her well being as well as other thousands of political prisoners held by the Israeli authorities who are being held under miserable conditions.