Robinson Calls on EGLE to Reject US Ecology Expansion Permit and Stop PFAS Storage
State Reps. Isaac Robinson (D-Detroit), Sherry Gay-Dagnogo (D-Detroit), Jewell Jones (D-Inkster), Cynthia A. Johnson (D-Detroit), and Tyrone Carter (D-Detroit); Wayne County Commissioner Jewel Ware, Hamtramck Council Member Anam Miah, Hamtramck Council Member-Elect Mohmmed M Alsomiri, Imad Hamad, Executive Director, American Human Rights Council (AHRC-USA); Diane Weckerle, Coalition to Oppose the Expansion of US Ecology; Rev. Sharon Buttry, Hamtramck Community Initiative; Dr. John Telford, former Superintendent Detroit Public Schools; Ben Bawazir (YACC), Original United Citizens of Southwest Detroit, and 48217 Community and Environmental Health Organization; Imam Arif Huskic, Common Word Alliance; Luanne Kozma, Ban Fracking Michigan
Rally in opposition to the storage of PFAS at and the expansion of US Ecology’s eastside location. Followed by a protest at US Ecology’s Georgia Street location.
Gym, Masjid Mu’ath Bin Jabil (use Miller Road Entrance), 6096 Dorothy St. in Detroit
Friday, Dec. 27, at 1 p.m. @calltyrone6 @repsherrygaydagnogo @jewelljonesmi @cynthiadetroit
The State of Michigan has contracted with US Ecology to dispose of PFAS, and EGLE is planning to issue a permit to allow the company to expand to a 660,000 gallon tank capacity. Last Wednesday, US Ecology informed community members that PFAS is being stored at their Detroit North facility on Georgia Street in Detroit near Hamtramck.
Contact: Rep. Isaac Robinson – (313) 739-5093