The Dearborn Police Department has announced that Police Chief Ronald Haddad will hold a Town Hall Meeting on Wednesday, November 30, 2016 at 7pm in St. Kateri’s Main Hall located at 16101 Rotunda Drive in Dearborn.
This Town Hall meeting is open to all community partners and residents of Dearborn. At this important meeting, Chief Haddad plans to discuss current crime statistics, serious crime patterns, dispatch consolidation, critical issues facing our community, how to keep your neighborhood safe, crime prevention measures that work, and open discussion.
The American Human Rights Council (AHRC-USA) urges all community partners and Dearborn residents to attend this important town hall to engage with Chief Haddad and learn more about keeping our communities safe.
“A healthy community is always rooted in consistent and positive engagement and dialogue between its law enforcement and its residents and community partners,” stated Imad Hamad, AHRC-USA Executive Director.