[Michigan, November 29, 2022]
The American Human Rights Council (AHREC-USA) joins the world’s community and all peace-loving people in observing the International Day of Solidary with the Palestinian People that falls annually on November 29. This day was adopted by United Nations General Assembly through UN Resolution 32/40 B in 1997. The resolution on the observance aims to encourage Member States to continue to give support and publicity to the Palestinian cause.
This year’s occasion falls amidst challenges facing the Palestinian people, a people who have been victimized by the Zionist project since at least 1948. In addition to Palestinians who live under the Israeli occupation, there are millions of other Palestinians living as refugees in Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, and other countries who continue to suffer because of Israeli refusal to respect their political and human rights.
Despite seventy-four years of challenges and setbacks, Palestinians have never lost hope. Despite a massive imbalance of power and an unlimited American support for Israel, Palestinians continue their struggle for freedom and justice.
The international community, led by the US, has the means and the road map to end the conflict. There are numerous international resolutions on Palestine that Israel refuses to respect. There is international law that Israel has been violating with impunity. The UN is unable to be effective on Palestine because the US uses its veto at the UN Security Council to prevent the world from holding Israel accountable for its ongoing violations of international law and norms. These are all political choices made by the US, decisions that have prevented real peace in the region.
We see the situation in Palestine getting worse for everyone. This includes even the Palestinians who live in Israel and hold Israeli citizenship. The rise of extreme religious Zionism is a threat to all Palestinians. Parties and groups that were considered extreme, even terrorist, by the state of Israel are now part of the Israeli mainstream and government. Religious Zionist designs on the Al Aqsa Compound Sanctuary/al Haram al Shareef will add a religious dimension to the conflict that will worsen the situation in the Holy Land and in the region.
“We have never been more pessimistic on the question of Palestine,” said Imad Hamad, AHRC Executive Director. “We call on all peace-loving people around the world to help save the region from more conflict and bloodshed,” added Hamad.
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